Cooking and Recipe Links
Network - The "mecca" of cooking shows from cable
Place - Lots of stuff here!
- "Searchable Online Archive of Recipes" - One of the most
extensive collection of recipes on the internet. Now called
"Recipe Resource".
archive - Nearly every recipe posted on the usenet newsgroup Literally thousands of recipes.
General Links
Shiloh's Civil War Relics
If you
ever go down to Shiloh, stop in and say "Hi". You DON'T want to miss it! This
shop is not too far from the Shiloh National Battlefield. We all met Rafael Eledge and
were in his shop in April. Lori and Rafael are very kind people and very fair! They have a
fantastic collection of relics. They also have an EXCELLENT collection of books! Theodore Roosevelt
Home Page Reenactor Net
Home Page
More GREAT reenacting stuff!!!
VMI Home Page
The Virginia Military Institute.
Excellent site.
Colonial Williamsburg Online
Not much to
say about this one! It is a very nice site.
Conner Prairie Home Page
Indiana's very
own living history village, just a few miles north of Indianapolis.
Informational Pages
The Civil War Home
TONS of Civil War
related stuff. You can spend HOURS here!
The Guild
Hey, if you
can spare a small sum of $70.00, you can have the "Official Records" and Dyer's
Compendium all on one CD! I'm not getting any kickbacks, not promoting their product, and
can't yet afford a copy myself yet, but I have seen the product and it is pretty good.
Flags of the Confederacy
The Civil War Soldiers & Sailor's
When it finally is complete, we might see something good. I've waited for months and
haven't seen any lick of progress. Rumor has it they are still in a heated battle over
some copyright legalities! Perhaps we will see something soon?!?!?
The Civil War Poetry and
If you don't have Netscape 3.0 or a midi plug in, GET IT! Great site!
Civil War Sharpshooter Pages
What is a sharpshooter? What is a
sharpshooter as opposed to a sniper.
Co. C, 2nd US
Sharpshooters - Company C of Berdan's Sharpshooters. This is a unit reenacting group
with a long history.
27th South Carolina
Volunteer Infantry - Company G, Charleston Sharpshooters. A very good page
on the history of the unit and Charleston (I used to live in Summerville and am
partial to this page).
30th Battalion, Virginia
Sharpshooters (CSA) - This page is from another Indiana sharpshooter organization.
Brady's Michigan Sharpshooters home